Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Ask Malaysians : Malaysia Boleh !!!

"Malaysia Boleh!", a term use by Malaysians to express their ability to achieve success in whichever field they choose to get theirselves into. However, I think the term "boleh" has been overrated and starting to sound cliche . Nowadays "boleh" does not stand for everything good, instead it's universal. Its might be used in "Malaysia boleh berjaya" which means "Malaysia can succeed", but it also can be used to justify bad deeds or simply to express despair over the severity of the status quo. For example, lets say you have just read about the poor condition of the newly built SMART tunnel that clearly show the weakness of the management and the Works Ministry. You silently sigh and say, "Malaysia Boleh" to refer to that "achievement". In this situation, the expression "Malaysia boleh" is used as a synical yet subtle insult to the parties involved.

This has lead to the forming of colourful nicknames that are used to describe Malaysia, for example "Bolehland" or how i would like to put it, "KannReich" in German. These terms are hillarious the first time you listen to it, yet it make perfect sence. However, one would have the temptation to go overboard by using terms such as "Bodohland" to express their despair, but i think that is too disrespectful and simply anything but subtle.

So having read the above, please share with me your most "boleh" experience.....

*what i mean by "boleh" experience is an experience that you consider unthinkable to happen, that displays complete acts of kiasu-ness an total disregard of the norms of a sane Malaysian. Yet you were lucky enough to stumbbled. It can be a good or bad experience...

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