Wednesday, 14 March 2007


There is a saying :

Make use of 5 things before 5 another things comes about. the 5 things are :

  • Make good use of your free time before you're busy
  • Make good use of your youth before you're old
  • Make good use of your wealth before you're poor
  • Make good use of your health before you're sick
  • Make good use of your life before you're dead
The thing is, i have been knowing this saying since i was a little child but only recently did i truly "felt" the meaning. Among the 5, the one that struck me the most is "make use of your youth before we are old".

Malaysians have the tendency of being safe by following what normaly other people do. I guess thats why there are not many "radicals" here in malaysia. However sometimes it stops us to fully making good use of our youth.

People say "live your life to the fullest". Some interpret it as indulging on every life's pleasures before you become a skeleton buried 6 feet deep. But I don't believe you should be that selfish in life. One should live a life that has a positive impact on the world. At least if earth could talk, it would say, "ah yes...i remember Jack. he was the one who invented bird flu vaccine".

So when else to do this other than during ones youth. At a time when one seems to have unlimeted energy, enthusiasm and spirit. One should have a "World Dream" ( a dream of what one wants for the world)

So, ask not what the world can do for you, ask what you can do for the world.

Whats your world dream?

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