Sunday, 13 May 2007

Lab Experiment 2

If you are exposed to world news, there was once a reality show, i think by the name "size me up". Basicaly, the was this guy who wanted to proove that eating McDonalds food was really unhealthy, so he did an experiment where he basicaly lived on McD food. Everyday he would eat only McD Burgers, fries, chicken or anything that has the McD chop on its package. In the end, he was really in bad shape. Cholestorol and blood sugar levels were sky high forcing him to abandon the experiment on the 28th day. But i only heard this from a friend...and some related websites. But i heard McD did make their food healthier after that program was broadcasted on TV.

Now, my 2nd experiment is simple. "Being a vegiterian for half a month". Besides doing it for fun, i just want to know is it so bad to be a vegiterian? will i be craving for meat through out the whole time. First, i should define what i can and cant eat. Well. i guess i will not eat any meat besides eggs. As simple as that.

this experiment is totaly unscientific, so the expected result of the experiment is just my general opinion of the whole experience. The experiment starts today and finishes on the 31st of May.

Good Luck to me...

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