Monday, 16 April 2007

1st day on the job

Today was the first day of my internship in TIM consult. No TIM is not the name of the founder, it stands for Transport Interchange Motor or something...anyway it was a really great introduction to the German working culture and how the staff had always had internationalism in mind in every decision they make.

We (me and LiuShu) went to TIM consult at around 9am with the VPICX, Kathrin Schlutz. As we arrive through the door, we were greeted by the CEO who happened to pass by and I was really surprised when we were addressed by him as "Gentelmen!!"...I swear that was the first time anybody addressed me with "gentlemen". you know lah, in malaysia, when u r a normal worker, u dont imagine people treat you with that kindda respect...haha... anyways obviously they had the whole day planned out for us. For the whole day it was about the company and what they were doing. TIM Consult is a consultant company.they consult on all kind of things such as town planning logistics comissioning, They advise various companies on which carrier to use to transport their goods, get bids from the carrier companies such as DHL, Maersk, MISC, Evergreen etc and get the best service versus cost for their transportation needs. So our job is to create a web based software that lets the client search for the prices on his own rather than asking the consultants to do it for them. So that was the job...looks quite challenging but nonetheless exciting. they were explaining eveything to us as if we were the client was a full throttle orientation day...My hard disk was full the first day till i couldnt think anymore.. my chemical computer had jammed up.

what i noticed is they address their workers as colleagues, everybody is a colleague except for the CEO shows how they appreciate the workers(or coleagues) and shows they all are at the same level. Another thing i noticed is the quite relaxed working pace. I mean i thought that germany was supposed to be like Japan where ppl walked fast and were constantly under pressure.. here you could take as many coffee breaks u want as long as you finish ur work within the given time and do not "steal bones", if u know what i mean. My colleagues are really great and friendly. they are way friendlier than i expected. We had a great laugh together during lunch hour.Mr. Henning, our superviser turned out to be AIESEC Alumni too. I really respect his believes that everybody is not perfect and should be given chances to improve and develop themselves. and he believes in young people. Young people + more young people from many countries = The best team the world can offer....

all in all, it was a great 1st day. I loved it very much. came back so tire i couldnt write the blog... thats why it 1 day late...and i think the future blog will be even shorter i guess....haha see how things go....

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