Saturday 14 April 2007

Technology Backfire

If u noticed the first time you buy a computer and surf the internet with IE or Mozilla it somehow redirects itself to the regional website. for example, when u enter the google website will be the Malaysian one (if ur in malaysia) and u can choose it to display in Bahasa Melayu.

As superb and magical that may seem, it prooved to be a pain in the a$$ when you go abroad, particualy non english speaking countries, like Germany, for example. Believe it or not im writing this blog from blogger where the interface is all in German. Now i know "Veroffentlichen" means "Publish" and more important "Loschen" means "Delete" (in case you don't want to accidentally delete your posts). And the most superb and awesome thing is, there is now way to switch it off because it automaticly detects the location of your ISP server, i think. So even if I change my location in Windows regional settings, it still doesnt work. The only way is to physicly go back to Malaysia if u want Bahasa Melayu and english websites to be your standard language.

So ladies and gentlemen, make sure u bring your dictionary when you go abroad. Who knows it might be very useful

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