Saturday, 7 April 2007

Top 10 List - ep. 2

Top 10 things you can/cannot buy :

1. You can buy your way out of jail, but you cant buy freedom.
2. You can buy the best medicine but you cant buy health.
3. You can buy food but you cant buy appetite.
4. You can buy votes but you can buy loyalty.
5. You can buy certificates but you cant buy skill.
6. You can buy curry puffs but you cant buy Mak Jah*.
7. You can buy Proton Savvy but you cant buy Proton Bhd**.
8. You can buy your PSM but you can buy your PSM presentation.
9. You can buy 4D but you cant buy luck.
10। You can buy streamyx but you cant buy good service.

* Mak Jah =
Cafe N24's Curry Puff Tauke.
**Its a GLC . Nobody can buy GLCs

.:: Top 10 List - Out Every now and then ::.

1 comment:

The Who said...

apa-apa pun, aku nak tengok gambar ganas2 kat germany on this blog!!!
