Tuesday, 31 July 2007

Blogger - Dalam Bahasa Indonesia

I just noticed that blogger can be set to Bahasa Indonesia, so, being curious, i changed my blogger profile to be displayed in Bahasa Indonesia and i noticed 2 interesting things apart from the translation that is quite funny (if it was in Bahasa Malaysia, it would be funny too).

The first thing was in my profile, "gender" is translated "jenis kelamin". Well, i dont know about you, but i find it mildly, vulgarly funny. If translated back to English it would sound something like "type of genitals". Imagine somebody asking you "what type of genitals do u have".... :-P Well, Each language has a cultural component in it, so its quite inappropriate to directly translate it.

another thing is I found out from one of the title bars of blogger that "Gratis" (Bahasa indonesia) means "free of charge", which has the same meaning in German. In German, Gratis is always used in advertisements that means "free of charge". Because Dutch language is very similar to German, I assume the Indonesians got the word from the Dutch.

Its interesting to now how all the countries in the world are related to each other. Its really an eye opener :-)

Thats all for now...tchuss


Anonymous said...

In some English countries, they used the word 'sex' for gender . To non-English speakers, this is very intriguing.

Muhaimin Zamri said...

Well, i didnt mean it is a bad word, just that if its translated litteraly, it sounds a bit strange. But it's a culture thing, people not used to a different culture might find it a bit different. Its normal.. :-)

tangas usadas said...
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